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IMG_6859a.jpg - Hotel Forrest Lake - 1925  1000 East First Street Popularly called the "Mayfair," this huge brick and stucco hotel was designed bySanford architect Elton J. Moughton. The hotel was built in 1925 for Forrest Lake,Mayor of Sanford, and was part of the waterfront beautification plans which led tothe construction of Seminole Boulevard. Like the boulevard, the hotel sits onreclaimed land in an area that once separated the city of Sanford from the town onMellonville. In 1930 the failed hotel was purchased by the City and renamed theMayfair Hotel. In 1948, the hotel was purchased by the New York Giants. From1963 to 1977 the building housed the Sanford Naval Academy and the interior wassignificantly altered. The hotel is now the international headquarters of the NewTribes Mission. The exterior is largely original.

Hotel Forrest Lake - 1925
1000 East First Street
Popularly called the "Mayfair," this huge brick and stucco hotel was designed by Sanford architect Elton J. Moughton. The hotel was built in 1925 for Forrest Lake, Mayor of Sanford, and was part of the waterfront beautification plans which led to the construction of Seminole Boulevard. Like the boulevard, the hotel sits on reclaimed land in an area that once separated the city of Sanford from the town on Mellonville. In 1930 the failed hotel was purchased by the City and renamed the Mayfair Hotel. In 1948, the hotel was purchased by the New York Giants. From 1963 to 1977 the building housed the Sanford Naval Academy and the interior was significantly altered. The hotel is now the international headquarters of the New Tribes Mission. The exterior is largely original.
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